- Know your Destination and a Plan to Get There. For a job search to be effective, job seekers must have a marketing plan and strategy to promote themselves in this crowed market. Job seekers need solid marketing materials to effectively and creatively market themselves in these economic times. This includes eye catching business cards, customized cover letters, job specific resumes, and career portfolios. Job seekers also must consider both their online and offline brands. Candidates are strongly urged to pay close attention to those in the professional community and their perception of them in the every day face to face interaction and also online through social media networking platforms like LinkedIn as well as reviews and blog comments on sites including Amazon and YouTube.
- Tune Up Your Engine. Many professionals fail to take a personal inventory of their skills and abilities while in the job search. Seek out mentors or advisers to provide you with guidance, advice, and direction. Your "Professional Tune Up" could be in the form of a career coach, community college class, or other recommended reading list. Find creative ways to fine tune your brand and experience through volunteering or serving on professional committees. Follow a brand and development strategy. Understand that a strategy or plan such takes time. New skills, abilities and experiences must be developed and cannot be rushed. Pace yourself and do your best not to over commit.
- Working on Autopilot. The job search can be turbulent and sometimes their are even flight delays on your way to a new position or career. Do your best to understand and realize that the flight to your destination takes time and offers personal and professional challenges. Companies are now receiving hundreds of resumes for one open position. Because of this, it is easy for your luggage to get lost in the shuffle. Know when to led and when to follow. Your job search has many different layovers before your final destination. These might include the phone interview, the face to face interview, and the job offer and negotiation process. The art of balance is very important in these processes. Be confident but not overbearing, available but not desperate, and polished but not brash.
And with proper planning, preparation, and creative spunk, job seekers are sure to see clear blue skies ahead. . .