November 17, 2008

Creative Networking Ideas

Have you been victim to recent layoffs or corporate cutbacks? Looking for creative ways to make an impression while in the job hunt? See below for ideas that can make a difference and are light on the budget.

  • That Personal Touch. Send an handwritten note to each and every networking connection you meet. Follow up with each connection within a week either by email or phone. Keep a list of your contacts, notes, and when you plan to follow up.

  • Your Monthly e-zine. Part of your marketing toolkit should include a monthly email or other electronic update sent to those within your network. Things to include in your email can be information about upcoming webinars or other events you frequent along with professional updates regarding yourself. Make a note to personally contact those within your network as often as you feel necessary.

  • Take Control . Host your own personal networking event in your own living room. Invite friends in your network to your home for a Martini Networking Night with your job search in mind. Ask each guest to bring someone from their own personal network. Provide light snacks, wine, martinis, or other beverages and an opportunity for those attending to network in a casual and relaxing setting that is light on the budget and sure to impress. Top it off with a drawing for a door prize like a gift basket from Bath and Bodyworks or a bottle of wine and you have everyone's business cards and contact information easy as pie.