July 9, 2008

Know the Company Culture

Take a look at this short ABC News video on zappos.com. The company culture, which is very extreme makes a statement to their customers and their employees. As you interview with prospective companies, it's important to understand the company culture, its values, how the company treats its employees, and what the company stands for. Take the time, do your research, and ask the right questions when interviewing. More to come on this topic, but in the mean time, see click on the link below.


Ask yourself the following:

  • How would I feel each day working for a company like this?
  • Would I take a lesser salary to work at a place that offered: free food, low cost benefits, flexible work schedules?
  • Would my personality, leadership style, people style, personal and professional goals fit with this type of culture and management team? Why?
  • How would I make an impression in an interview to work for a company like this?
  • What do I not like about this company and why?

These questions are important because they help you determine what you value most. Food for thought. . .