- Terminations. An employee of the Doner Advertising Agency learned via Twitter from @thefounder that his company was laying off employees prior to any notification being made to employees. Examples like this will continue to be the norm as Twitter and 3G phones and technology continues to grow. I only hope that companies learn to plan appropriately when communicating a downsizing or layoff to their employees via internal memo or other company communication as soon as possible.
- Job Offers. Twitter user @tomraftery received a job offer via Twitter from @redmonk. Interestingly enough @tomraftery accepted and is current working from them as a Technology Analyst in Spain. Certainly, many of 6 million plus that are currently unemployed would be more than thrilled to receive a job offer. Twitter as a means to communicate this message is unprofessional and a slap in the face. A new employee deserves to be communicated and welcomed in more than 140 characters.
- Job Interview. On March 17th, Twitter user and ABC journalist @GStephanopoulos (George Stephanopoulos) and @JohnMcCain (Senator John McCain). While the back and forth banter was very entertaining, I do not see a future in this form of communication if being used in the job interview and hiring process.
*Special thanks to www.mashable.com and Tribble Ad Agency.