April 24, 2009

OKC's Social Media Draft Pick

Earlier today, Schnake Turnbo Frank, a public relations first based in Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma announced their new social media director via youtube. Their new SM Director, Mike Koehler who is a fellow blogger, tweeter, and friend will lead STF's Social Media division. Koehler and STF will provide public relations consulting and social media solutions. I'm proud of Mike and am excited that social media is beginning to get the respect it deserves. SM is here to stay and STF's announcement will be followed by many others as businesses look to gain a competitive marketing advantage using social media in their business marketing and public relations.

Congratulations, Mike!

April 23, 2009

OK State HR Conference 2009

HR Peeps,

Please view the attached video for more information about our upcoming Oklahoma State HR Conference May 31-June 2. It's a great opportunity to network and stay up to date with recent HR changes and trends. Don't forget to visit www.okhr2009.com for more information and to register.


April 20, 2009

Green-UP Your Job Search

Going green is more than just a passing phase. It's an important topic that is finally getting the attention it deserves. Going green is not just recycling and energy conservation, it is a lifestyle choice that impacts every part of your life--including your job search. Here are some ways you can positively impact the planet and Green-UP your job search.
  • Green-UP Your Resume. If printing your resume, use recycled paper and soy based inks. Emailing your resume or applying for positions via electronic application is a great way to limit your carbon footprint.
  • Green-UP Your Commute. Car-pooling or taking public transportation are not always options depending on your location. I recommend scheduling your interview during non-peak commute times when there is less traffic. Try to schedule other errands after your interview, saving you time and energy.
  • Green-UP Your Home. Turn off all unnecessary home appliances and electronics during your interview. "Vampire Electronics" like your hair dryer or your cell phone charger continue to suck electricity even when plugged into the outlet and not in use, adding up to 25% of your home utility bill.
  • Green-UP Your Job. Ask your prospective company, what ways they are making an impact in saving the planet or improving the environment. Not in the job hunt? Make a difference at your place of employment by starting a paper recycling program or encouraging others to use biodegradable cups and silverware.
  • Green-UP Your Water. Use an aluminum refillable water bottle instead of purchasing a plastic bottle. You can save some green by being green.

April 15, 2009

Recruit 2.0

Check out this SlideShare Presentation that I will be presenting at the OkACE Conference this Friday, April 17th. I am presenting to a group of Recruiters and Career Service professionals on how to use Twitter effectively. As a job seeker, take a moment to learn and understand how businesses and universities use social media for business and recruitment purposes.

Understanding this process, allows you to be found by recruiters, hiring managers, and other professionals who are part of the employment and job search process.



April 14, 2009

Twitter Communication for Termainations

If you have ever heard me speak about Twitter, you know I am passionate about this social media platform and its possibilities. I am also an advocate of Twitter's use as a form of internal company communication as well as company branding and marketing possibilities. However, there are a handful of instances and examples that force me to draw the line especially when used in the Human Resource industry.

  • Terminations. An employee of the Doner Advertising Agency learned via Twitter from @thefounder that his company was laying off employees prior to any notification being made to employees. Examples like this will continue to be the norm as Twitter and 3G phones and technology continues to grow. I only hope that companies learn to plan appropriately when communicating a downsizing or layoff to their employees via internal memo or other company communication as soon as possible.
  • Job Offers. Twitter user @tomraftery received a job offer via Twitter from @redmonk. Interestingly enough @tomraftery accepted and is current working from them as a Technology Analyst in Spain. Certainly, many of 6 million plus that are currently unemployed would be more than thrilled to receive a job offer. Twitter as a means to communicate this message is unprofessional and a slap in the face. A new employee deserves to be communicated and welcomed in more than 140 characters.
  • Job Interview. On March 17th, Twitter user and ABC journalist @GStephanopoulos (George Stephanopoulos) and @JohnMcCain (Senator John McCain). While the back and forth banter was very entertaining, I do not see a future in this form of communication if being used in the job interview and hiring process.
Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are here to stay. Companies need to consider these mediums and use them appropriately in a business and human resource setting.

*Special thanks to www.mashable.com and Tribble Ad Agency.

April 9, 2009

Rise to the Occasion with Creative Interview Strategies

The job search is all about a little luck in finding that right opportunity. It's challenging in these current economic times to keep your name at the forefront of a hiring manager and recruiters mind. Creative and out of the box thinking with a few inexpensive ideas can go a long way.

  • Marketing Materials Box. Leave a lasting impression by providing colorful and creative marketing materials during your interview. Go the extra mile by placing them in a colorful and tasteful box. Managers will place this box on their desk and constantly be reminded about you and your creativity.
  • Thank you notes. These are very important in making a good impression. A great way to do this is to leave a thank you note with the receptionist upon leaving the interview. Take a moment to write a handwritten and custom note.
  • Colorful Business Cards. Professional business cards with your personal information are a great way to get your name and contact information in the hands of a hiring manager. I regularly "shop for candidates" during the evening and weekend hours at various events. Have your personalized business card ready. Include your blog, website address, or linkedin profile url to make a lasting impression.
  • Props. These are another great way to make a memorable impression in the interview depending on the type of position you are interviewing for. Use great caution when deciding if and when to use these. I recommend tasteful props during the second or final interview especially for a marketing, public relations, or media positions.
  • Web or YouTube Video. Depending on the type of company you are interviewing for, a thank you note via a web video is a great way to make a memorable impression. Thank the hiring manager for their time and give your 15 second elevator pitch. I recommend your video be no longer than 60 seconds.

April 5, 2009

Twitter Basics for Business

Below is a slideshow presentation I will be giving later this week sponsored by the South Oklahoma City Chamber. Please take a look and leave me your comments or contact me directly at jessica@xceptionalhr.com for questions.
