Edwin Duterte, who created and manages the networking group and website, is a former commercial banker and an unwelcome recipient to the pink slip in early 2008. I first met Edwin two months ago on Twitter and was intrigued by his interest in helping others who are in the job market as a result of layoffs, restructuring, or those looking to make a career change. His concept of “paying it forward” in his own job search drove him to launch his website and mixers in July of 2008 based on the Silicon Valley Dotcom Pink Slip parties in 2001. Pink Slip provides job seekers the opportunity to network via the website as well as through mixers that average an impressive 150 networkers per event. Event attendees are seated with other job seekers who are also members of the same industry. The goal of every mixer is networking with the goal of finding a job not only for you but for others as well. Edwin calls this the Golden Rule of Job Seeking.
Pink Slip events also often provide free job search and resume writing training from professional recruiters and job coaches who also subscribe to the pay it forward frame of mind. The mixers seek to provide those in the job hunt networking opportunities, job search tools, and the chance to polish your pitch all on a shoestring budget.
Interested in learning more? Visit Pink Slip Mixers’ website or connect with them on Twitter @Pinkslipped.