August 19, 2008

Why a Vacation May be Good for Your Job Search??

I just got back from a much needed week long trip to Orlando. More than anything, it was nice to get away. Away from reality, away from stress, and far away from work to decompress and reflect with a new and fresh perspective. This Monday, I came back to the real world with a blackberry list full of ideas and an improved focus on what my team needed to do to be successful.

This is also true for your job search. It's easy to get caught up in the mundane day to day stresses waiting for that one phone call to change your life. It's easy to obsess and I know because I've been there. Even a short vacation and what I classify as a vacation is anything longer than an extended weekend is a good idea to help reinvigorate and reinvent yourself. You don't have to go far or break the bank to get that much needed perspective that only a vacation can bring.

While you're out, take inventory and put yourself in the hiring manager's shoes. What signals are you, as the candidate sending to prospective employers. Is it confidence or desperation? Take a step back and access the situation. Are your marketing materials up to snuff and what about your networking? Can you say for 100% certainty that you have been fully prepared and given it your all when following every job lead and resume you've submitted? Chances are there is always something we can improve upon. And a vacation is just the time for to give yourself a real, honest, and unbiased assessment.

From here, it's time to build your new plan of action. Be realistic and make sure that your plan is actionable with clear and specific goals. Maybe it's creating a monthly e-zine or adding 10 meaningful business and networking connections each week. Schedule an appointment with yourself to take a 1-2 hour mental vacation to reassess your job search strategy in 30, 60, and 90 days.

You'll be amazed at the results!! Happy Hunting!
