Note to Job Seekers: It's a Digital World
Noticed recently the decline in good jobs listed in the newspaper. Ever wondered what happened?
Newspapers are expensive. Small ads in the Dallas paper for a Sunday run $2,000 with no guarantee that any candidates will apply for a position. I ran a blind ad last year in the Dallas paper and received 1 resume over a period of 3 Sundays.
Newspapers use a method of advertising to job seekers I call "Spray and Pray." I place an ad, spray it to thousands of loyal readers and pray that someone will apply. Myself and other recruiters like to take a more aggressive approach. The digital world is a great way in which to do this.
The digital and internet world can be more directed to the passive job seeker. Job Board sites have millions of site clicks and visits a day. For under $300, I can post one 30 day online ad on Careerbuilder or Monster will positive results. For even a couple hundred dollars more, I can resume mine and view potential candidates resumes online. On social networking sites, I can post jobs and contact millions of candidates directly via email all at no charge!
The digital world 2.0 has created millions of new possibilities for the candidate and recruiter. Candidates now submit video resumes. Recruiters contact candidates by text message, cell phone, and email using social networking sites like Linkedin, Myspace, Twitter, Jigsaw, and job boards like Monster and Dice. And if you don't know what the heck I'm talking about---it's time to enter the Digital World.
Many candidates are often reluctant to post resumes on job boards or create profiles on social networking sites. To this I say, if your phone number is listed, anyone can find you. Why not control the content recruiters and nosey internet surfers can see. Use the digital world to your marketing advantage. If you google search me--Jessica Miller-Merrell, I'm the only one in the entire internet universe. Try it!!
Sites like Linkedin have opened up a new world for the passive job seeker and eager networker. For example three months ago, I sent a potential candidate a message on Linkedin. We exchanged several emails back and forth. I came to the realization that the candidate, was grossly overqualified for my open position. Still, I built a rapport and we exchanged information. A month ago, Sue contacted me via email again. An organization that she was a member of was in need of a guest speaker at their regional meeting, and she recommended me for the opening.
I gave my presentation at the regional meeting, exchanged business cards with about 15-20 professionals and these new relationships resulted in three more viable candidates to fill more open positions. Plus, the possibility of future business and professional relationships with each individual. This is what the digital world is all about.