Job fairs aren't just for grads anymore. This week alone in OKC I have attended 3 separate job fairs as a recruiter and met about 800 candidates like yourself. Job fairs are a great way to meet with your prospective employer in a nonformal setting on neutral ground like your local college or other venue. It's important when attending a job fair to be prepared. Bring your marketing materials including your personal business cards, resumes, and a smile. Dress appropriately because you want to make a lasting impression on the recruiter you are speaking with. Out of the 800 candidates I met with this week only a handful really stood out. It's your job to be one of the few and being prepared is a great start.
The handshake is also very important at the job fair. Offer a firm handshake and introduce yourself and start selling!!! Ask questions about the job and highlight your skills based on the information they provide. Ask for the interview!!! Many recruiters often conduct interviews at the job fair and make job offers that same day so expect the unexpected and be prepared.
I also suggest that if a list of exhibitors is available prior to the job fair, do some research. Determine which companies you are most interested in speaking with, do some internet surfing and get familiar with the company's history, open positions, their locations and culture, and financial information. If the company you are interested in is traded on Wall Street or Nasdaq check out websites like and do some research about industry stability, the company's financial outlook, and any negative or positive press. By being prepared and asking the right questions, you will make a great impression and improve your chances of getting an interview.
Next time. . . Phone interviews-when, why, and how