Prior to beginning the job search, it's important to determine what type of job you are looking for as well as what industry. Not sure where's your niche??? The Meyers Briggs Indicator is a great start. Not into testing? Write down a list of things you enjoy doing. Turn something you love into a career. For example, you may have an interest in travel and love to socialize. In fact you're the life of the party. Have you ever thought of becoming a travel agent?
How you market yourself is completely different for the same position depending on the industry. For example, a resume for a pharmaceutical sales rep will focus on your sales experience but mainly on product knowledge, possibly your pre-med or nursing experience or education. This is different than if you were looking to enter software sales in the banking industry. Specialized experience in the banking industry would be preferred but not required. Your sales experience in other industries and sales training would be a focus because you could with some effort learn the banking industry through research or job shadowing. The sales process is basically still the same with one goal in mind-getting the sale.
It might be important to realize that if you are looking to make a career change from Accounting to Event Planning you need to focus on skills and qualifications and most importantly do your research. Look at companies and start by visiting their website. View job descriptions of positions you are interested in and learn the business. Keep notes of key words used in the job or industry of your choice.
Next Week. . . The resume